Correct your Recitation

Correct your Recitation (73)

What is meant by madd (lengthening)? How to correct your recitation? ...

Nobility of the Qur’an

What is the nobility of the Qur’an? How has the Qur’an been protected? ...

Jihad written

Jihad: Fight in the Way of God

Dr. Jamal Badawi explains the methodology of Jihad in the light of the Qur’an and refutes misco ...

A women offer prayer at the mosque.

Women in the Qur’an: Eve

How did God create Eve? What is the story of Adam and Eve in the Qur’an? ...

Shape of a heart.

Purification of the Soul

What is meant by purification of the soul? How could one purify his soul? ...

a homeless child

Honoring the Orphan

Who is the orphan? How shall we support the orphans? ...

The Glorious Qur'an

Jewels of the Qur’an (1/4)

How did Satan deceive Prophet Adam and Eve? Why did Allah send Adam to earth? What is arrogance ...

Surat Al-`Aiyat

Reflections on Surat Al-`Adiyat (2/2)

How could man be disloyal to Allah? How could wealth affect its possessor? ...

Surat Al-`Adiyat

Reflections on Surat Al-`Adiyat (1/2)

What do you know about Surat Al-`Adiyat? How could a human being be an evil? ...

Reflections on Surat Luqman (1/3)

When and where was Surat Luqman revealed? What is meant by wisdom of prophet Luqman? ...