quran translation

Al-An`am 6:111-126

Sheikh Mishari bin Rashid Al-`Ifasi recites from Surat Al-An`am verse no. 111 to verse no. 126. ...

Yusuf 12:53-76

Sheikh Mishari bin Rashid Al-`Ifasi recites from Surat Yusuf verse no. 53 to verse no. 76. ...

Al-Israa’ 17:23-49

Sheikh Mishari bin Rashid Al-`Ifasi recites from Surat Al-Israa’ verse no. 23 to verse no. 49. ...

Fatir 35:41 – Ya-Sin 36:27

Sheikh Mishari bin Rashid Al-`Ifasi recites from Surat Fatir verse no. 41 to Surat Ya-Sin verse ...

Az-Zumar 39:8-31

Sheikh Mishari bin Rashid Al-`Ifasi recites from Surat Az-Zumar verse no. 8 to verse no. 31. ...

Ghafir 40:41-65

Sheikh Mishari bin Rashid Al-`Ifasi recites from Surat Ghafir verse no. 41 to verse no. 65. ...

At-Tahrim 66:1-12

Sheikh Mishari bin Rashid Al-`Ifasi recites from Surat At-Tahrim verse no. 1 to verse no. 12. ...

`Abasa 80:1 – At-Takwir 81:29

Sheikh Mishari bin Rashid Al-`Ifasi recites from Surat `Abasa verse no. 1 to Surat At-Takwir ve ...

Recitation of Surat Al-Israa’

What is the story of the Jews in the Qur’an? What is the status of parents in the Qur’an? What ...

Recitation of Surat Al-Baqarah

What are the virtues of Surat Al-Baqarah? What is the longest Surah in the Qur’an? ...

Аль-Анфаль (Трофеи)

Recitation of Surat Al-Anfal

What are the names of Surat Al-Anfal? What are the topics of Surat Al-Anfal? ...


Recitation of Surat At-Tawbah

What are the names of Surat At-Tawbah? What are the topics of Surat At-Tawbah? Why is there no ...

Аль-Хадж (Паломничество)

Recitation of Surat Al-Hajj

What is the story of Abraham with his people? How did they try to burn him alive? What are the ...


Recitation of Surat Al-Hijr

Is there a life after the death? What is the nature of God? What is the significance of stories ...

beauty of nature.

Recitation of Surat Ta-Ha

What are the topics of surat Ta-ha? What is the story of Moses in the Qur’an? What is the story ...